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Video games, movies and TV have always been under a lot of criticism for contributing to violent crime. After last month’s shooting at a... Game Industry Defends Links to Real World Violence

Video games, movies and TV have always been under a lot of criticism for contributing to violent crime. After last month’s shooting at a Newtown, Conn. Elementary School, Vice President Joe Biden was appointed to lead a task force against gun violence. On Tuesday, he is to present a package of recommendations addressing how to lessen any contribution to gun violence from the video game industry and all areas of visual entertainment. The packages are also expected to contain proposals for universal background checks, and bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

Game Industry Defends Accusations of Contributing to Real World Violence

On Friday, Vice President Biden met with representatives of the video game industry, seeking help with the situation. Entertainment Software Association told Biden that, “independent, scientific research conducted to date has found no casual connection between video games and real-life violence”, also commenting that it wanted to work toward “meaningful solutions”. However, no details were given.

The Debate

So, do violent games really contribute to real world violence? Video game supporters believe that violent games may actually reduce violent tendencies by providing a stress reliever and a safe outlet for aggression.  While many of the supporters claim that the parents are to blame for behavioral issues, the parents argue that a child’s impressionable mind and active imagination is much too susceptible to violence, and excessive exposure to it from games and television may lead to emotional or even physical bullying and violent behavior. The political stance on the issue is divided; as several states have tried to regulate sales to minors, but have been prevented due to concern for free speech.

Game Industry Defends Accusations of Contributing to Real World Violence

Are Regulations the Solution?

Where do you stand on this issue? Do you think there would be a decrease in gun violence if our government regulated the sale of mature rated video games?

Game Industry Defends Accusations of Contributing to Real World Violence

[Images via oxcgnmp1st & hdwallpapers]