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Sometimes it’s much more fun to procrastinate on daily tasks, and play a video game instead. If you agree, the iPhone app, Epic Win... Epic Win Turns Chores into an RPG

Sometimes it’s much more fun to procrastinate on daily tasks, and play a video game instead. If you agree, the iPhone app, Epic Win may be just the motivation you need to complete your dreaded chores, and have fun doing it.

Video games draw you in and motivate you to complete task like going on quests or battling an epic monster to reach new levels of the game and win virtual money and prizes. And some of you would much rather fight through a dungeon full of giant spiders than face that mountain of dishes piled in the sink, or spend some time on the treadmill. All too easily, an addicting video game can suck hours from your day, leaving your to-do-list undone.

Epic Wins

Complete real tasks and win virtual rewards

Epic Wins has found a way to liven up your tasks by turning your chore list into an epic adventure, complete with avatar,  game levels. skill development, loot, gold, XP and even an epic soundtrack that you can play while you work towards your goals.

Enter your to-do-list, and as you complete a task you will unlock a new location on your quest map. With every new map location you unlock,  you get a new rare item, which can be shared with friends on Facebook and Twitter.

Your Epic History

If the game itself isn’t motivating enough, Epic Wins also includes a History Page. Once a goal is completed it will go to the History Page, which will display all tasks ever completed, letting you bask in the glory all of your accomplishments. If the chore is an ongoing event, such as laundry, simply move the task back into your active quest list to repeat it.

Where to get it

Epic Wins is the app that will turn your dull or unpleasant chores into and adventure with rewards. The app is now available at the iTunes and iPhone App stores for $2.99.

[Image via appscout.pcmag]