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With all of the technological and energy saving advancements of today, home appliances are next in line for automation. If you are looking for a... Smart Grid: The Future of Home Appliances

With all of the technological and energy saving advancements of today, home appliances are next in line for automation. If you are looking for a way to make your home’s appliances run with ease and more energy efficiency, you shouldn’t have to wait much longer.

panasonic smart appliances

Currently, there is a shifting in home appliance technology in which many dishwashers, washers, dryers, ovens, refrigerators, and even heating and air conditioning systems, are becoming more computer based.  This technology was on display recently at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show.

Manage all of your home’s appliances from your phone

These self-automations will work in conjunction with smartphone apps to make an entire household manageable with the touch of a button, which will lend convenience when using your appliances both from inside and outside your house.

This computerized evolution, referred to as a Smart Grid, can also be set to  run certain appliances during non-peak electrical time which can save consumers money on their utility bills and help decrease electrical demand from power companies during peak hours.  Also, by having a home appliance system synched into one platform system, many areas’ electrical usage can be prioritized, which can decrease immediate peak electrical demand.

Challenging aspects of the change

The biggest challenge at this point is the operation software compatibility between appliance manufacturers and smartphones, (or any operational mobile device) software.

Another area of concern for these smart home system developers is the issue of ease of use by the consumers.  If these applications are not operational and functionally friendly for the users, they may be rejected by the masses before these programs become common-place.  Also, appliance repair technicians will need to meet new requirements to be equipped to service the new smart appliances. For example, a technician will need to understand both the physical product and it’s digital interface.

Though developers still have some challenges to face, it’s apparent that they are making strides in appliance technology and automation.

[Image via engadget]