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Whisper is an upcoming app that has already gained a large and steadily growing group of followers, along with favorable attention from a group... Share Your Secrets on Whisper

Whisper is an upcoming app that has already gained a large and steadily growing group of followers, along with favorable attention from a group of investors. A Series A funding from a group of partners led by Lightspeed Venture Partners have already raised $3 million for the start up.

 Social Network Features

The lure of the app is that it gives users the ability to share their secrets anonymously, in the form of Photos with text overlay. The site does share some similarities with PostSecret, another existing secret sharing network with a much longer track-record. However, Whisper is equipped with available features that gives the site a true social network status.

Share Your Secrets on Whisper

The app’s convenient mobile aspect gives users a handy way to communicate with each other in real-time. Whisper members can make also use of the provided tools to reply publicly to other users posts. And, for a price, users can buy the ability to send private messages to fellow whisperers. This pay wall has been the driving force behind revenue building for the startup, and more significantly for the users, it ensures the quality of the shared content and prevents soliciting.

Freedom of Expression

Whisper gives users the freedom to express their true self, without feeling the scrutiny of hundreds of friends, family members and acquaintances. Michael Heyward, Whisper co-founder explained to TechCrunch the reasons that led to the development of the site, which was started as a side project for the secure messaging site,TigerText. Heyward said, “When you look at any of these identity-based social networks, people are so concerned about their image that they only post really positive things.We saw a huge white space of things that people were not publishing, and wanted to give people a place to share these things that they wouldn’t feel comfortable putting out on social networks.”

How do you feel about “whispering” your secrets, albeit anonymously, to a social network? If you’re one of the many who are already using Whisper, let us know what you think of the secret sharing site.

[Image via intomobile]