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When Any.DO first launched in 2011, The Next Web called it the “only productivity app you’ll ever need.” Even though, back then, it was... Any.DO Launches Calendar App Cal & It’s Beautiful

When Any.DO first launched in 2011, The Next Web called it the “only productivity app you’ll ever need.” Even though, back then, it was only available for Android, the to-do app seemed to have impressed users by its simplicity and sleekness. Two years down the road, Any.DO is already available on iOS, and the startup has received millions in funding. Not too long after the latest round of funding, Any.DO has shown that it’s managing that money rather well. Enter the new Any.DO app Cal.


Cal from Any.DO is a standalone app, and obviously functions as a calendar. Apparently, this is only the first in a range of standalone apps lined up by Any.DO. At the moment, Cal from Any.Do is in closed beta, meaning you can’t use it unless you have a code to download, which unfortunately, I don’t. You can sign up to be included in the beta here. If you’re patient, you can wait a few more months, as it’s supposed to be opened to the public by the time summer comes around.

The good news is that The Next Web has gotten their fingers in the pie, and they’ve shown how Cal from Any.DO works and looks. And boy, does it look nice!

Cal from Any.DOThe calendar view is very clean and simple – which is the beauty of it. The image you see on the left is a default setting, which adds a theme to your calendar. You can swipe down to see the full calendar, as shown in the right. Viewing the details of your day is just as simple.

Cal from Any.DOTruth be told, I am always wary when a new to-do/calendar/productivity app is hyped. I do rely heavily on Google Calendar, and that works well for me. While there are so many other new apps I have tried in the past few months, I have not been convinced enough to make the switch. With Cal, though, I am rather eager to try it out and see how it goes.

What is your go-to productivity app? Are you tempted by this?

[Images via TNW and Android Widget Center]