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The smart watch from Samsung, the Galaxy Gear, is reported to be coming next month. According to Bloomberg, the smart watch will be unveiled... Samsung’s Smart Watch Could Be Coming September 4

The smart watch from Samsung, the Galaxy Gear, is reported to be coming next month.

According to Bloomberg, the smart watch will be unveiled on September 4, that’s two days before the IFA consumer electronics show in Berlin. It also means it will be released less than a week before the supposed release of Apple’s new iPhone on September 10.

Samsung Galaxy Gear Smart Watch

The device will allow you to make phone calls, send emails and surf the internet, as well as tell you the time of course.

So far Samsung have not commented and there has been no news on pricing or when it will be available. Although we don’t have much information on the technical specs for the Galaxy Gear, we do know that it will not have a flexible display.

As for Apple, they too are rumoured to be working on a smart watch but there is no sign of an unveiling date yet. The company has not even confirmed that the new low cost iPhone will be unveiled on September 10, so will have to wait and see for that one.

[Image via ohgizmo]