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Have you ever noticed how freakingly good Amazon is at keeping track of the things you look at on their site? Not only can... Amazon to Ship Your Stuff Before You Buy it

Have you ever noticed how freakingly good Amazon is at keeping track of the things you look at on their site? Not only can you go back and look at everything you’ve viewed in their store, they also regularly use all of that data to show you other similar items that you might be interested in buying. Heck, they’ll even put it together in a nice little bundle for you so you can purchase all of it at the same time. Amazon prides themselves in predicting what you might buy in the future based off of what you’ve bought from them in the past. All in all, it’s a neat way to earn people’s business.

Never a company to do the same thing the same way for too long, Amazon may soon be changing up the way they ship your items to your door. And I’m not talking about their potential drones, either. It turns out Amazon has recently been given a patent for anticipatory shipping – what that really means is they will ship you items before you actually even buy them from their site.

Amazon Might Ship You Stuff Before You Buy It

How In The World Would That Work?

Amazon is convinced that they know their customer base so well by now that they can ship them things they will buy before they ever make the decision to purchase them. And while details of the process are pretty scant right now, Amazon believes that this program will be highly successful. Still, they admit that it might result in more returns to the warehouses, but they are fine with that.

Amazon also states that they may even use this program to send their customers promotional items every now and then.

I have to admit – this is a bold move for Amazon, but if anyone can make it happen, it’s Jeff Bezos and Co.

What do you think of Amazon’s news?

[Image via RT]