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Everyone is having fun with the latest Captain America: The Winter Soldier spoiler. In the latest film you find out that HYDRA has infiltrated... Captain America 2 Sparks Twitter Meme Frenzy

Everyone is having fun with the latest Captain America: The Winter Soldier spoiler. In the latest film you find out that HYDRA has infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D through a huge conspiracy. In one scene, Senator Stern is seen whispering “Hail HYDRA” to S.H.I.E.L.D’s Agent Sitwell.

Captain America 2 Creates Meme Frenzy

This has resulted in a tirade of “Hail HYDRA” memes, some of which are very funny.

It would seem that HYDRA’s conspiracy has reached far and wide.

From Westeros:

To Gotham City:

Captain America 2 Creates Meme Frenzy

Even as far as space:

Captain America 2 Creates Meme Frenzy

It has infiltrated the NFL:

Captain America 2 Creates Meme Frenzy

Don’t Trust a talking ape!:

Captain America 2 Creates Meme Frenzy

In fact…Don’t trust anyone:

Captain America 2 Creates Meme Frenzy

No matter how cute or innocent they may seem:

Captain America 2 Creates Meme Frenzy

Share your Captain America: The Winter Soldier memes with us in comments, on Facebook or on Twitter @TechBeatNews.

[Images via geeksmash & Twitter]