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Once you are logged in there are just four main steps: Upload your assets to the cloud. Create your pages by layering these assets... How To Create Your Own Motion Comic

Once you are logged in there are just four main steps:

Upload your assets to the cloud.

Create your pages by layering these assets and animating them.

Create your comic by dragging and dropping the pages into a project

One click upload to Deviantart and online preview converts and formats your files into a motion-comics readable on PC, Android and Apple platforms.

Anyone familiar with Macromedia Flash or even PowerPoint will have a head start and the user-friendly menu driven system will have you animating your comic within half an hour. Free bite-size step-by-step tutorials are available on YouTube, none of them more than a few minutes long, highlighting just how simple it is to get started with this.

If you have an interest in publishing comics online, it would be foolish to ignore this new way of reading comics on mobile devices.

[Image via madefire]

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