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Forget phones, tablets and virtual reality – here are five inventions that could help solve everyday problems. There’s everything from  a headset to prevent... 5 Inventions That Will Change Your Life

Forget phones, tablets and virtual reality – here are five inventions that could help solve everyday problems. There’s everything from  a headset to prevent you from falling asleep at the the wheel of a car, to a wearable device that gives you a better check up than your doctor! Tell us which one you’d find most useful in the comments section below.

TouchPico Projector

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This clever little invention turns any wall into a touchscreen. Created by TouchJet, this projector can run any Android app. It uses an infrared camera in order to track the movement of a stylus on the wall. Following a successful Indiegogo campaign, the first lot of TouchPico projectors are scheduled to be shipped this month.