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The options are endless for creations. Think about the toys and gifts you can make for loved ones, or the possibilities for schools and... Draw Working Circuits with Conductive Ink Pens

The options are endless for creations. Think about the toys and gifts you can make for loved ones, or the possibilities for schools and home educators who want to teach students about circuits. On a grand scale, anyone can now learn about electronics with limited prior knowledge. While most mainstream education teaches theory then practical, the Circuit Scribe allows the practical to occur first, thus reinforcing the theory and discovery

This pen not only dries quickly, but users can begin using their drawings immediately. Although this product does not replace traditional methods of learning electronics, users can begin building right away, promising hours of good, educational fun!

What do you think? Are conductive pens the way forward? Will this eventually replace traditional circuit building in schools? We shall have to wait and see!

[Image via businessinsider]


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