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The six firms had previously asked the FAA to award them exemptions from regulations that address general flight rules, pilot certificate requirements, manuals, maintenance... FAA Grants Hollywood Freedom To Film With Drones

The six firms had previously asked the FAA to award them exemptions from regulations that address general flight rules, pilot certificate requirements, manuals, maintenance and equipment mandates.  In the applications the companies said the operators will hold private pilot certificates and keep the UAS within line of sight at all times.  The flights would also be restricted to the “sterile area” on the set.

Huerta said in a statement, “The applicants submitted UAS flight manuals with detailed safety procedures that were a key factor in our approval of their requests…We are thoroughly satisfied these operations will not pose a hazard to other aircraft or to people and property on the ground.”

The firms that have been approved by the FAA are:

Astraeus Aerial

Aerial MOB

HeliVideo Productions

Pictorvision Inc

RC Pro Productions Consulting

Snaproll Media

Drone mania

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[Image via: bostonmagazine]


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