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Kickstarter has made a name for itself as one of the leading crowdfunding platforms, with a mission to bring creative projects to life. There... The Most Bizarre Kickstarter Projects Ever!

Kickstarter has made a name for itself as one of the leading crowdfunding platforms, with a mission to bring creative projects to life. There is a vast array of projects to browse and even pledge money to. You only have to think of projects like Glyph from Avegant, the Pebble Smartwatch, or even Oculus Rift to realize how valuable Kickstarter is to budding inventors and entrepreneurs. However not everything you find is serious, genuine or even worth spending your money on. Take a look through our collection of some of the most bizarre campaigns ever started on Kickstarter.

Ostrich Pillow

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Forget sticking your head into the sand, that's just too messy. What you need is a nice warm, cosy hidey hole - enter the Ostrich Pillow. Stick your head and arms instead and you can instantly shut out the world, gain some peace and quiet and send a clear message of 'leave me alone'!