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The developers of DayZ — the zombie survival game — have announced a roadmap for 2015. The roadmap came alongside a price increase. Bohemia... DayZ Now Has 2015 Launch Date with Price Increase

The developers of DayZ — the zombie survival game — have announced a roadmap for 2015. The roadmap came alongside a price increase. Bohemia Interactive promise lots of new features in 2015, after updating the standalone game to include the same features as the DayZ mod for over a year.

The biggest new features coming to DayZ include: basic vehicles, better zombie AI, central economy and diseases. In Q2, Bohemia will add advanced vehicles, animals and dynamic events. Q3 will include a console prototype and traps. Q4 will include the official beta release.   All of this is great news for DayZ fans who are starting to get tired of the survival experience. Lots of DayZ servers tend to be full of hackers and critics have said the zombies are simply too easy to get away from and do not fill the world enough.


The price increase will make DayZ €27.99/$34.99 on the Steam store. The previous price for the title was €23.99/$29.99 and is still available at that price, due to an instant sale for DayZ.

Bohemia may face legal action in the UK, over the decision to put the game instantly on sale. UK law makes sure that any price increase stays that way for 28 days, something DayZ has broken with the Steam sale. This is not the last update to the price DayZ will receive, Bohemia will bring it up to €39.99/$49.99 when it is officially released. This would put it alongside other full priced games on the Steam marketplace.

It is an interesting tactic, increasing the price for late-comers. It gives early access buyers more of a reason to have picked up DayZ early and helped with development. Still, Bohemia is receiving a lot of bad PR for the price increase — many saying the game doesn’t deserve it — after a rather dormant 2014 for the developers.