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eBay has a few weird auctions in the past decade, with everything from job seekers to cornflakes to chewed pencils getting sold, packaged and... The Strangest Things Ever to be Auctioned on eBay

eBay has a few weird auctions in the past decade, with everything from job seekers to cornflakes to chewed pencils getting sold, packaged and delivered to various buyers. We take a look at five of the weirdest auctions eBay has ran:

Atari E.T. Landfill Cartridges

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A documentary team went to New Mexico landfill, where Atari buried E.T. in 1982, after the huge commercial failure cost the video game giant millions in inventory space. They found a huge collection of games and sold some of them on eBay, with the E.T. cartridges going for anywhere between $500 and $1,200.