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If you were online at all this weekend or had the television on for more than a few moments, you more than likely heard... International Space Station Salutes Leonard Nimoy

If you were online at all this weekend or had the television on for more than a few moments, you more than likely heard that Leonard Nimoy, better known as “Mr. Spock” from the original Star Trek series, passed away after a battle with COPD. He was 83 years old. After his death, online tributes started popping up everywhere you looked, including ones from former cast mates such as William Shatner, but the one that really seems to stand out is one from onboard the International Space Station. If any show ever inspired space travel and exploration, it has to be Star Trek – I don’t think anyone out there would really argue with that.

Terry Virts is a NASA astronaut onboard the International Space Station, and he sent the following tweet from space after hearing about Nimoy’s death; sometimes, words aren’t necessary at all. The photo is so simple it’s incredibly moving and emotional.

International Space Station Salutes Leonard Nimoy

While I’m ashamed to say I never really watched Nimoy in the original series, I did enjoy seeing him in the newest Star Trek films.

I doubt there’s few out there who don’t recognize that iconic Vulcan salute, but I’ll leave you with the catchphrase Nimoy (and Spock) were most known for: “Live long and prosper.”

[Image via Daily Mail]

SOURCE: Gizmodo