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Forget spiders and clowns and dark alleys and the number thirteen…nothing strikes fear in a young person’s heart more than that thought that their... These Hilarious Parents Shame Their Kids On Facebook

Forget spiders and clowns and dark alleys and the number thirteen…nothing strikes fear in a young person’s heart more than that thought that their parents will embarrass them publicly. When you factor in social media, the potential for embarrassment shoots to galactic levels. Here are just a few times that parents completely ruined their children’s lives, or at least just their coolness on Facebook.

Get it right the first time

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You know the old saying, "Children are like waffles, the first one is to grease the griddle?" Usually they're referring to the fact that parents tend to mess up the first go-round, but get it right with any future children. Then there's this parent, who decided to put all his eggs in the second child's basket.