FileHippo News

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What’s the latest at FileHippo? Plenty! In addition to all the great updates for software our users have enjoyed for a long time, each... New Software Titles Hit FileHippo

What’s the latest at FileHippo? Plenty! In addition to all the great updates for software our users have enjoyed for a long time, each week the team adds brand-new titles directly from the developers. Take a look at these new titles, and head over to FileHippo to try them for yourself.

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Apowersoft Streaming Audio Recorder – There are countless reasons why you need a particular audio file to get out of your computer and onto your MP3 player, mobile device, CD, or other format, and Apowersoft Streaming Audio Recorder lets you do that. Whether it’s streaming audio content or nabbing your files from your computer’s microphone, this tool lets you capture it, edit it, save it in any of several other formats, and much more.

Apowersoft Video Converter Studio – Also from the folks at Apowersoft, FileHippo brings you a powerful little video converter tool to enable you to save video in multiple formats. As with most other video tools, this one also works on straight audio, making it a true converting powerhouse. One of the best features of this software is the ability to add subtitles, meaning you can reach a much broader audience, can develop accessibility or educational videos, and more.

YAC – Famously known as Yet Another Cleaner, YAC is a capable program that removes many common malware and virus threats, often at the click of a button. Even better, this one can  work its magic with the Virus Removal Startup Manager which gets your computer up and running even faster by minimizing a number of Windows processes that run at boot up. Between the malware remover, the browser hijacker removal tool, and this startup manager, YAC is a great option to have running to keep your system clean and fast.

For these and other great new titles, check out FileHippo by clicking HERE.