FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

We’re looking for tech and software experts to share their knowledge with millions of readers. Here at FileHippo we pride ourselves on not only... Write For    

We’re looking for tech and software experts to share their knowledge with millions of readers.

Here at FileHippo we pride ourselves on not only providing the latest versions of the very best software, but also being home to the latest news, views and expert reviews on all things tech and software.

We’re looking for tech and software experts to share their knowledge with millions of readers

An amazing opportunity for guest writers to share their knowledge with millions of readers.

We’re always on the look-out for new and exciting developments in software and technology and now we have an amazing opportunity for guest writers to share their knowledge with millions of readers.

Maybe you’re a software guru? Or a dev ninja? Or maybe you’re just an outright tech geek? If you’re an expert in your area, then we’d love to hear from you!

Sound good? Then simply contact us here and let’s talk!