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Transform your pictures with these great free image editors. Whether you’re addicted to taking quick pics on your mobile phone, or are a DSLR... Top 5 Best Free Photo Editors

Transform your pictures with these great free image editors.

Whether you’re addicted to taking quick pics on your mobile phone, or are a DSLR purist, in pursuit of the perfect photograph, your images can look even better with this line-up of fantastic free photo editing software. Features that used to cost a small fortune can now be yours without spending a dime. Manipulate curves, contrast, colours, or enhance exposures; get creative with clone stamps; use healing brushes to erase flaws, or masks for isolating and editing areas; or even use layers like a boss to blend elements and combine effects. Whatever your level of experience, use one of these Top 5 Best Free Photo Editors and you’ll take your images to the next level. Like the look of them? Then  discover our full range of free photo editing software now, right here on FileHippo. 

Google Nik Collection

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Compatible with Mac OS X 10.7 through to 10.10; Windows Vista, 7, 8; and Adobe Photoshop through to CC 2015, Google's Nik Collection of desktop image editing plug-ins can now be enjoyed for free. Analog Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro, Viveza, HDR Efex Pro, Sharpener Pro and Dfine apps are all available as a free download from Google. This is a massive saving on the previous $150 price tag! The Nik Collection comprises of seven desktop plug-ins, which provide a powerful range of photo editing capabilities, ranging from filter applications that improve colour correction, to retouching and creative effects, through to image sharpening tools that bring out the hidden details in your images.