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Enjoy music, movies, TV shows and streaming, like never before. Yes, your PC or Mac has a built-in media player, but there are a... Top 10 Best Free Media Players

Enjoy music, movies, TV shows and streaming, like never before.

Yes, your PC or Mac has a built-in media player, but there are a whole lot of alternative free media players out there that will take your enjoyment to the next level.

The right media player helps you enjoy music, movies, and TV shows like never before. Whether you love streaming, downloading, or playing media from a USB, disc, or external hard drive, a great media player is a thing of joy.

The programs in our Top 10 Best Free Media Players list can handle a huge range of audio and video formats; help you organise your media library; tag movies and songs; integrate with online streaming services; add album art, and so much more!

If you’ve got a favourite free media player that’s not made it on our Top 10, we’d love to know. Just leave a comment below. Enjoy!

GOM Player

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Quite simply, GOM Player is one of the world’s best free desktop video players. Originally famous for its high video and audio quality, and support of multiple video formats. However, there’s a lot more to GOM Player than just codec support. If you’re interested in VR and 360 degree videos, GOM Player is the program for you! GOM Player supports a variety of VR and 360° video formats. It can read your local 360° video files and play/stream 360° YouTube videos. Another feature we love is GOM Remote. GOM users are able to link their smartphones and control everything: play/stop the videos, select videos, raise and lower the volume, dim your screen, and much more. GOM Remote and GOM Player work hand in hand to make your viewing experience a lazy pleasure!