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Smash your next CSAT scores with these great solutions. Gaining customers is hard work. Keeping them is vital. Aid customer retention and satisfaction with... Top 5 Helpdesk Apps

Smash your next CSAT scores with these great solutions.

Gaining customers is hard work. Keeping them is vital. Aid customer retention and satisfaction with this selection of great helpdesk apps. A smart ticketing system that filters all incoming tickets and organizes, prioritizes and sorts client requests and assigns them accordingly sounds good, right?
These apps can raise tickets via email, phone calls and social media while giving agents a good selection of workflow and processing tools. Some allow agents to answer tickets from anywhere using iOS and Android functionality and one even uses gamification to make things more interesting for your staff. Genius!
The apps featured are:; Freshdesk; Help Scout; Zendesk, Zoho Support.

Zoho Support

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Part of the Zoho suite of apps, Zoho Support is a scalable help-desk solution for businesses of various sizes. By utilizing Zoho Support, businesses are able to build feature-rich help-desks that include ticket management, automation, and reporting tools. Businesses are able to engage with their customers across multiple channels, including various social media solutions and email. With robust workflow automations and request management tools, help-desks are able to manage and maintain large amounts of traffic. A really neat feature of Zoho Support is the ability for agents to answer tickets from anywhere using Zoho Support for iOS and Android. From within the app, users are able to view a feed that displays any recent updates in tickets. They can also choose to follow specific tickets, contacts or accounts. If any developments occur, it will show up automatically on the feed in real-time. Zoho Support uses a freemium, subscription pricing model, with a free 15-day trial available. Prices start at $12/agent/month, up to $25/agent/month.