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Facebook Hit in ‘Sophisticated’ Attack
Facebook has revealed it was targeted by hackers last month, but says user data was not compromised. The social media network says its security systems were targeted in a ‘sophisticated’ attack when a handful of employees visited a mobile developer website.   The compromised website hosted an exploit which then... Read more
New Zealand Police To Receive 9,900 iPhones, iPads
New Zealand Police will soon be fighting crime — with iPhones and iPads? The countries 6000 frontline officers will receive a new iPhone to carry in the field and 3900 officers are set to receive an iPad for their cruisers. Government officials have approved the plan which was finalized with... Read more
Spotify Arrives to the New Windows Phone 8
If you love music and have a Windows 8 Phone you are in luck.  Spotify is now available on the Windows Phone 8 platform.  The app was previously only available on iOS, Symbian, Android, and legacy Windows Phone users.  Thanks to the change, it is now available on the new... Read more
Facebook Temporarily Hijacks the Cyber World
Facebook is the world’s most popular social networking site. Over the years it has expanded even more and today it ranks among the most visited websites in the world. With billions of registered users something is bound to go wrong at any time. In a recent event, Facebook temporally hijacked... Read more
DrawQuest App Can Turn You Into an Artist
Do you consider yourself to be artistic?  This is the general question behind a new app called DrawQuest.  While most children feel free to express themselves artistically, adults often struggle with the notion of their own creativity.  Many adults simply feel that they are not artistic.    DrawQuest is an app... Read more
Major Brands Shrink and Loop Their Ad Space on Vine
Twitter’s new mobile video app, Vine has been getting a lot of attention since its release, a little over a week ago. Vine’s recent buzz First, the video sharing app gained acknowledgement for the launch of their unique, 6 second looping videos. Just days after release, Vine was already reaching... Read more
AVG Report Finds ‘Disturbing’ Trend of Child Hackers
Children as young as 11 are writing malware designed to steal login details from online gamers, according to internet security software giant AVG Technologies. The Czech-founded company, which provides internet and mobile security to more than 140 million customers, has released a Threat Report, detailing its investigations into a number... Read more
Anonymous Hacks US Federal Reserves
The US Federal Reserve Bank has confirmed that it was a victim in a recent cyber attack by the hacktivist group “Anonymous”. The personal data of more than 4000 bank executives was stolen. The confidential information was stolen on Sunday and later the Fed admitted to Reuters news agency that... Read more
New Startups Worth Noting for 2013
How many companies started out with a crazy or unusual idea that most people thought wouldn’t work and then became major success stories? One that easily comes to mind is Facebook. And then there’s Twitter. Or how about a little search engine named Google?  While those have become mega success... Read more
Pinterest Acquires Punchfork
Pinterest, the photo and information sharing pinboard site, has recently acquired Punchfork. The online recipe, food blogger and social cooking website was created about 2 years ago by founder Jeff Miller and brings a visual Pinterest experience.  Punchfork is linkable with many social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter... Read more
MLB: The Show 13 – Let’s Play Ball
Currently the best selling and number one rated Major League Baseball video game, MLB: The Show has been hard at work perfecting the game’s changes and new features. MLB: The Show 13 is set to be released on March 5th. Game Players Select New Cover Athlete Online votes from Twitter... Read more
Montaj: The Video App For Those Who Like To Shake It
Photo apps with filters and other editing features have enabled the average person to concoct creations worthy of a professional photographer. Well, maybe not exactly, but there is no denying that these apps have skyrocketed in popularity. And while it is not necessarily always applicable, photography enthusiasts also have a... Read more
Samsung Announces Future Plans for Smart TVs
Starting off initially as a South Korean company specializing in home appliances and other electronic items that facilitate ease and comfort in everyday life, it can be agreed that Samsung has found its calling in the Smartphone market with their Samsung Galaxy Note II and Samsung Galaxy S III making... Read more
Aaron Swartz PDF Tribute Gathers Pace
Following the suicide of RSS/Reddit Co-Founder Aaron Swartz a PDF tribute with links to copyrighted research has been making the rounds. Before his death Swartz had become an internet activist and was facing up to 35 years in jail and $1 million in fines after he downloaded 4.8 million documents... Read more
New Features Enhance Panasonic Smart TVs
The new trend of improved technology has affected and revolutionized almost every aspect of human life. The trend extends from something as extensive as space shuttles to something as miniscule and common place as a television set. Panasonic, one of the leading producers of technical house hold items was among... Read more
Facebook: The Undeniable Social Network King
Facebook may have had a very difficult year after the IPO debacle that led to an unbelievable plummet in its share prices, but the good news is that the social networking company is starting to recover with its shares now trading above $30 for the first time since its IPO.... Read more
Proper Etiquette for Sharing Photos Online
With today’s social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, taking and sharing photos and videos have become much more convenient, free, and out there for the world to see in an instant. It’s really amazing that you can just scroll down and watch your friends and loved ones’ lives... Read more
The Pebble Kickstarter Watch Goes to CES
The most successful Kickstarter project of all-time will attend the 2013 Customer Electronics Show.  Pebble has raised over $10 million on the crowdsourcing site, a massive $500,000 in its first day. What makes the Pebble different from other watches and is the reason it is so popular is that it... Read more