The field of robotics is seeing great advancements and so it makes sense that the up-and-coming generations are encouraged to get involved with science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM as the subjects are collectively known.
At this year’s Toy Fair, robotic kits and science sets featured heavily, aimed at nurtering a child’s interest in building and creating objects. One such kit named MOSS has been created by the same company that produces Cubelets. It comprises of a set of cubes that have sensors, inputs and ouputs and are colour-coded to make it easier to assemble them. So for example, cubes with green faces are for power, blue for pass through, brown for input and orange for output.
On each corner of each block there are magnets but the blocks are actually held together by the steel ball bearings on the corners. It is possible to produce large stable structures by placing a ball on each corner but by just using two, a hinge can be created. Thanks to the large number of electrical components and structural pieces it is possible to build complex robots with personality.
The kit is designed for children over eight years old and is expected to be available in April at the earliest. The basic kit comes with fourteen modules and costs $150, while the Advanced Builder kit is $480. They are available for pre-order now.
[Image via Crowdlifted]