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President Obama has probably been called a lot of things since he took office, but I’ve not heard him referred to as a “monkey”... North Korea Calls Obama A “Monkey” After Internet Outage

President Obama has probably been called a lot of things since he took office, but I’ve not heard him referred to as a “monkey” until recently, and that insult comes at the hands of North Korea. Tensions have run high between the U.S. and North Korea since Sony Pictures was hacked before the release of Sony’s comedy The Interview, which features an assassination attempt on Kim Jung-Un. North Korea has been blamed for the hacking (a claim they deny), and now they are blaming the United States for disrupting their internet service as an act of retaliation last week.

Here’s some of what North Korea’s National Defense Commission said in a statement regarding the incident:

“The United States, with its large physical size and oblivious to the shame of playing hide and seek as children with runny noses would, has begun disrupting the Internet operations of the main media outlets of our republic…Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest.”

North Korea Calls Obama A "Monkey" After Internet Outage

Those behind Sony’s hacking initially threatened to attack movie theaters if they showed The Interview, which led Sony to pull the release from many of them (but not all). The threats, however, did not stop the movie from being streamed online to the public over the past few days. President Obama criticized Sony for their hasty actions in pulling the controversial movie, saying they shouldn’t bow to intimidation or censorship.

What do you think of Sony’s actions? Did they make the right choice? Let us know in the comments section below!

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