The Best Multiplayer iOS Games
Best SoftwareMobileSoftware Reviews September 26, 2012 Noemi

It might not be the best thing to admit, but I have thought – and said – more than once, that the iPad is a rather expensive mobile gaming device. I don’t know what you use your iPad for the most, but for me, it really is mainly a gaming device. The iPhone is a different matter, because I do actually use it as a phone and an e-book reader, but it still is a nice gaming device.

iPhone and iPad
For friends or households with multiple Apple devices, playing games on the iPad and/or iPhone is even more fun. There is certainly no lack of multiplayer games for iOS! If you’re planning on holding a gaming convention at home, or you’re about to be holed up in a car for an extended road trip, here are some of the best multiplayer games that will keep everyone with an iOS device entertained.

Monopoly for iOS
You have two choice: MONOPOLY for iPad or MONOPOLY. The first link is the HD version, and costs $9.99 and the second link works on both the iPad and iPhone at $0.99.
I don’t know about you, but Monopoly was very much part of my childhood. And with the game being available on iOS, I have grabbed the opportunity to play the much beloved game again. You can still play it with only one device, but it is much more fun playing with several devices via Wi-Fi.
Real Racing 2
Racing games are always fun, especially when you pit your skills (or lack of thereof) with friends. Real Racing 2 has gotten a lot of positive attention – and rightly so. The graphics will satisfy your eye candy craving, and the details of the cars will get motorheads going.

Real Racing 2
And if your clique is into racing, then you will love the fact that eight of you can play against each other via Wi-Fi. Alternatively, you can go online and play with other people.
Real Racing 2 costs $4.99.
Catan HD

Catan HD
For only $4.99, this game offers tons of fun for the whole gang. This game has long ago captured the hearts of gamers, and with the iPad, you can pit your colonialization skills against up to four players.
Street Fighter IV Volt

Street Fighter IV Volt
Street Fighter may very well be one of the best games in its niche. It has lasted the test of time, albeit with variations, and with the iPhone/iPad, you can continue sparring with other players via Wi-Fi.
Flight Control HD

Flight Control HD
Saving the best for last…this game might very well be the best $5 I’ve spent on an app. The idea is to manage planes while they’re on the air and land them in their proper strip. It’s fun alone, but it’s even more fun playing with others. That’s a very simplistic explanation, but trust me – this game will get you hooked in an instant.
Sure, these games are not free, but you get what you pay for. And here’s a nice tip: wait for the next holiday before buying any EA game. You’ll save lots as they usually put their games on sale.
[Image via Sean MacEntee & firemint]