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With millions of videos going viral every week, it is quite difficult to pick the top 5 trending videos. Well, this week the job... This Week’s Top 5 Trending Videos

With millions of videos going viral every week, it is quite difficult to pick the top 5 trending videos. Well, this week the job was made much easier by the Presidential Debate, the first in a series of three between candidates Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. The cyber world caught on to the videos of the two men battling it out in a war of words and they make up two of the five videos trending this week. Among the others, there is a YouTube based dance competition, Tim Burton’s latest weird movie and David Blaine’s new stunt.

The ‘Songified’ Debate

Of course, how can people leave the debate alone? They had to come up with a Songified version and it didn’t take long for it to be uploaded to the internet. If it’s songified, it has to be the Gregory Brothers. The Brothers have become experts of using auto-tune on bits of speech and that’s what they have done to Romney and Obama, culminating in a hilarious video which will surely be up to a few million hits by the end of the week.

The Highlights

Continuing with the theme of the elections, the number two trending video for this week also focuses on the Presidential Debate. For those of you who didn’t have the time, patience or inclination to watch the Romney vs. Obama wordfest, the highlight reel is available online and is trending fast. It is only a matter of time before the video hits the top spot. This sequence is going to be repeated once the second debate takes place.

Frankenweenie Auto-Tuned

It’s been almost three decades since ace director Tim Burton created his eerie short film titled Frankenweenie. This time around he’s releasing the full-length version of the animated movie, in 3D. In the lead up to the movie’s release this weekend, famous YouTuber melodysheep aka John D. Boswell has come up with an auto-tuned version of ‘Rise from Your Tomb’ which perfectly suits Burton’s unique and weird filmmaking style.

David Blaine ‘Electrified’

David Blaine's new trick

 David Blaine is either a very brave man or a fool. Call him whatever you like but he has come up with unique stunts from time to time. The latest involves him being put in an electromagnetic field for 72 hours straight. The event, appropriately titled ‘Electrified’, will be live-streamed and Blaine’s interview and behind the scenes videos are trending now. The unique aspect of the event is that the audience would be able to control the electrical charge using their Ultrabooks.

YouTube’s Dance Show

12 YouTubers partnering up with professional dancers, expect all hell to break loose. YouTube’s Dance Showdown returns to the cyber world as the contestants step up their efforts to promote the dance show. The show involves YouTube stars, from contestants to judges, which makes it one big party for people who love spending their time on the video sharing website. There is an interview video with Brittani Louise Taylor which is trending currently.

So these are the top 5 trending videos of the week. Let’s see how many of these are able to hold over into the next week.


[ Image via toledoblade and msnbcmedia]