Google has made it known that their products labeled “Nexus” are “the best of Google”, and one would think that they put everything they have in their arsenal to make sure that their best products will be big hits in the market. When the Google Nexus 4 was announced, we heard the usual grumblings of the haters and the praise releases of the fanboys. But how is the Nexus 4 faring, really? Is it a hit or not?
The drawback
When faced with a choice, people usually deliver the bad news first. Presumably, this is to provide consolation with the good news after. Let’s do the same.
What’s wrong with the Nexus 4? What might contribute to it not being a hit?
Obviously, the lack of Long-Term Evolution (LTE) is the biggest beef of many consumers. While everyone is going gaga over LTE-compatible phones, Google decided to leave that out of the Nexus 4.
Another drawback is the relatively low amount of memory available, with the maximum at 16GB. There is also no option to expand this capacity with an SD card.
So yeah, a hit or not?
Those points having been mentioned, there are other things that point to the Nexus 4 being a bigger success than its detractors would like to think.
I really could stop here and remind you that the Nexus 4 sold out within minutes of being released in the UK.
While this may not be the end of the story for Google – they are facing the ire of customers for a three-week delivery delay due to backorders – there are a lot of things going for the Nexus 4.
- A faster CPU*
- There’s twice the RAM*
- There’s a bigger battery*
- It has inductive charging
NOTE: *Compared to the previous Nexus
At the end of the day, the dealmaker is probably the price and the fact that Nexus 4 does not have to come with a carrier contract.
I personally am not even considering getting the Nexus 4, but given its features and pricing, it is not surprising at all that it’s been selling like hotcakes. Now, if only Google can deliver and meet the demand. Then, maybe we can say that the Nexus 4 is a hit!
Below Lockergnome compared the Nexus 4 with the already massively popular iPhone 5: