When the Samsung Note first came out, I knew there was no way I would ever use it on a daily basis. While the idea of a larger screen on the phone is almost always a welcome one, nature has just not gifted me with right-sized hands to handle the massive phone. Then came the Note II, which, as cool as it seems to be, is still just as large. And yet there are a lot of people who have no issues with the size. 5 million to be exact. (I might have a case about the size, though, as the SIII sold 20 million in the first 100 days of release.)
Less than 3 months after the release of the Note II, however, the rumor mill is already busy with speculation about its successor. The focus? Size.
Bigger is better?
If you can recall, the first Note has a 5-inch screen. The Note II has a 5.5-inch screen. It does make sense that the Note III will go in the same direction – a larger screen. The question is just how much bigger.
According to a recently published article by the Korea Times, sources have revealed that Samsung is already working on the successor of the Note II. Not content to merely state that the Note III is coming, the sources also said that the new phone – or phablet as some like calling this line of devices – will have a 6.3-inch display.
How believable is this rumor? The article states that the sources are local parts suppliers in Korea, so that might have some weight. Still, that does not mean that we are indeed going to see such a ginormous display on a phablet. Sure, the extra real estate is worth it, but at 6.3 inches, that phone would reach unwieldy proportions.
At this point, there is nothing we can do but wait and see what Samsung turns out. In the meantime, if you have the Note II, it probably is best to ignore these rumors and enjoy your (relatively) new gadget.
[Image via Pocket Lint]