Wednesday the new Google Maps was released for the iPhone and has already become the most downloaded free app in the store.
The drama between Google and Apple began when Apple decided not to use Google Maps in its new iPhone 5 release, instead creating its own Apple Maps. This app was immediately labelled as inferior to the favorite, Google Maps. Furthermore, it created significant problems for users trying to get directions and ending up in the wrong location.
Not only did the Apple Maps provide wrong directions, it gave the wrong labels to items on the map. For instance, cities were marked as hospitals. In Australia, users were sent to the desert instead of a town. People were stranded for as long as 24 hours before being rescued.
Better Than Ever
The new Google Maps is even better than the old one used with Apple products. It now has turn by turn directions, a feature that has been available on Android but not iOS. Rumors say that is one reason Apple decided to drop Google Maps in favor of its own map app.
Users can also now enjoy street-level photography for your local neighborhood. They also get three-dimensional views, directions for public transit, and over 80 million listings are available for businesses around the world.
The fast rise to the top of Apple’s iTunes list gives the indication of just how unhappy users were with the Apple Maps application. Almost 90 percent of those who reviewed the new app gave it a five-star rating, which is the highest you can get.
Even though Google says it isn’t trying to make Apple look bad, it is proving to be the clear winner for right now in the map applications. Apple says it is still continuing to make improvements on its app for future use. The question is will users even care?