Dev Bootcamp is a system that helps you learn the basics of web development in just 9 weeks. It’s 9 intense weeks of training that starts with coding from day one.
What is Dev Bootcamp?
It is a hands-on approach to learning coding where you will know how to create a website at the end of the course. The original location is in San Francisco with a second office opening in Chicago. It teaches Ruby on Rails programming, but you do not need to have any computer science knowledge to apply. Before attending the bootcamp, you will have to complete a prerequisite course to be prepared.
What Is Learned?
Students will learn HTML5 and CSS, JavaScript, and advanced technologies. You will practice with group projects and work one-on-one with a mentor.
This is truly a bootcamp experience. Students can expect hard work for the entire time they are learning with long hours and a deep commitment. Not only that, but you also have to be willing to hand over around $12,000 for the class. However, it can be worth it if you are looking for a career in programming. More than 90% of the graduates so far have gotten a job that pays over $80,000 annually. You can look at it as the fast track at making good money doing something you enjoy.
The success rate has been so phenomenal that graduation day is called “Hiring Day” for the class. The last graduation had 40 companies meeting with the class of 54.
It’s not easy to get accepted into Dev Bootcamp. Right now, the acceptance rate is around 20% with more people applying all of the time. To be accepted, you have to be able to handle hard work, have both confidence and humility, and show a love for technology. With that winning combination, you might land a big career in just 9 weeks.
[Image via devbootcamp & illinoistech]