Microsoft Windows 8 was so hyped from the get go, that it could only go brilliantly or turn into a disaster. There just might be no middle ground. And from the looks of it, Windows 8 is not doing well at all. Sure, there are those who still see the positive side, but it seems that Windows 8 is just not cutting it.
Still, Microsoft is not one to take things sitting down. After all, a lot of time, money, and effort has gone into the product. They have to somehow sell it and convince more people to actually go for it.
Maybe that’s why Microsoft is banking on just how intuitive Windows 8 is supposed to be. At least Microsoft Portugal is going in that direction with its new campaign.
Earlier in December, Microsoft Portugal launched a campaign utilizing one thing that many people find hard to resist: the charms of a child. In this particular case, Microsoft takes on the help of an 11-year-old child. The premise is that Windows 8 is so simple to use, that even a kid can get the hang of it AND teach others how to use it.
It is indeed a stark contrast to a middle aged dad in the throes of frustration brought about by a not-so-intuitive experience. However, there is always a case to be made about a child explaining concepts in such a way that everyone – regardless of age – can understand.
Watch the video for yourself, and be the judge.
Cute, and maybe even compelling, video, to be sure; I am still not convinced that Windows 8 will be what will get me to ditch Mac at this point. How about you? What do you think of Microsoft’s tactics?
If, for some reason, you are on Windows 8, and you now realize that you could use a hand in learning the ropes, The Next Web’s cheat sheet is a handy guide.
[Image via labnol]