Recent studies by Pew Research Center have shown that over 73% of teachers use cell phones/smart phones for the classroom environment. Additionally, 45% of the surveyed teachers use e-readers and 43% use tablets as teaching tools. The study also covered the differences between mobile use of teachers with lower, middle and upper- class students. This revealed that teachers with students from high- income families are more likely to be able to connect to their students by tablets and cellphones, since the students are more likely to own a device.
Teachers become tech savvy
The use of these new electronic mediums in the classroom is inevitable. With instant connectivity and an endless amount of education materials, many teachers are embracing the benefits of mobile computing devices. Smart phones, tablets and other computing devices can allow an individual or groups of users’ instant access to videos, websites and academic journals that pertain to that particular course. This is becoming more and more prevalent in the Elementary and Intermediate grade levels. Association and familiarity with electronics in a classroom setting is reaching children at a younger and younger age.
Connecting educators and students
Teachers can also share experiences and unique methods of teaching with many of their peers. By establishing a world-wide teacher community, educators can offers others tips for success or possible pitfalls to avoid. So, not only are virtual classrooms are reality and benefit to students, teachers can now utilize them, too.
There is also the added benefit of instant connectivity with students outside of the classroom. Let’s assume that a student has a question about a homework assignment outside of school hours; an instant message, text or email to his/her teachers can possibly provide an immediate answer.
Finally, there is the emergence of e-learning and online classrooms, which utilize a full electronic, internet based classroom that provides all assignments and research at the click of a button.
[Image via currenteditorials]