If you are a website owner then chances are you may have heard of Google’s Matt Cutts. Cutts has recorded a vast amount of videos designed to answer questions regarding search engine optimization. The videos help site owners to understand their site in search. However, many people don’t have the time to watch an entire question and and answer video. As such, a new site provides a short, simplified version of Cutts’ answers. The Short Cutts skips the long and gives you the short of it.
The Short Cutts took every single Matt Cutts video and turned it into a basic, frequently yes or no, answer to a question. These answers provide users a shortcut to having to watch an entire video, when you are perhaps just looking for a quick, general answer. The questions and answers are arranged in large thumbnails, with a still image of the video, the date of the video, and below it the question and answer. If you want further information you can click on the video and watch the full answer from Cutts. The videos are searchable and can be arranged chronologically, either newest or oldest first. Some examples of questions and answers include the following:
“Q: Does Google still need text to understand my site? A: Yes
Q: Do AdWords customers get special treatment in organic search results? A: No
Q: Is WordPress or Blogger better for SEO? A: Both Good”
According to his personal blog, Matt Cutts has been with Google since January of 2000. He is the head of Google’s Webspam team. He has worked on search quality and webspam at Google for the last several years. His videos and blogs however, are not official Google statements. His videos and blog provide helpful information to site owners working to manage their web presence. However, in a disclaimer on his blog, Cutts points out that the information provided is part of a personal blog, and does not represent the views of his employer.
[Image via searchengineland]