When I first got wind of Mailbox, the new mail app for the iPhone, in February, my curiosity got the better of me (as it usually does). Truth be told, I have had no issues with the default mail app on the iPhone and the iPad. The hype surrounding Mailbox did send me to the App Store rather quickly, though. I was made to go through a course in patience, however, as initially, while the app was available to download, users were given access on a first-come first-served basis. And apparently, there were several hundreds of thousands of users ahead of me.
Several weeks – and countless checks – later, my turn finally came, and behold, I was treated to a very clean mail app on the iPhone. With the tag line “Put email in its place”, the ideals of Mailbox are very clear: organize emails so that your Inbox is always clean, fast, and easy to access.
One really handy thing about Mailbox is that you can “put off” emails for whenever you want to deal with them. You can say it’s procrastination by design (and with style), but I guess it works for many people. As of today, Mailbox continues to be one of the most applauded email apps for iOS.
But there’s not native app for the iPad. Yet.
Don’t lose hope, though, as it has been confirmed that Mailbox for iPad is in the works.
No official announcement has been made on their blog, but that looks like a confirmation to me, doesn’t it? Also, that Twitter conversations does give Android users the hope that they will have their own app. As to when that will happen, no one knows.
If you have not tried Mailbox, I suggest giving it a try. It is free, and if you are okay with putting away emails that you cannot handle immediately, the design and features will really help you achieve Inbox zero on a regular basis.
[Images via Mailbox]