The next version of Android is to be named Key Lime Pie, whether this is Android 4.3 or Android 5 remains to be seen. VR-Zone has reported that Key Lime Pie is to have a late October launch and it will be heavily optimized to allow it run on devices with 512MB of RAM, albeit most mid-range devices are shipping with 1GB standard RAM these days.
Android 4.0 was released in autumn 2011, Android 4.2 in autumn 2012 and it would stand to (logical) reason that this autumn would see the next major version of the Android OS, Key Lime Pie, being released. However massive corporations are seldom logical, which is why we, as consumers, always wait with baited breath for the next product.
Also this autumn is supposedly the launch time for the (much hushed) Moto-X smart phone and it would be a massive plus for Google to release this alongside a fresh slice of Key Lime Pie!
Google have made it crystal clear in the past couple of years that Android is not going to be an Operating System that updates constantly without substance anymore. Google seem to be reaching, and successfully so, for a platform that can show the rest of the market how it’s done.
It’s no longer about being first in the title race for the mobile OS crown, it’s about being the best with quality and solid features. This game plan was introduced in Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean and Google are indeed proving that they are a top contender for the top spot.
And they’ll have to be as Apple are pushing heavily-optimized GPU performance in iOS7, Google need to show that Android is not going to sit back and flounder in the tech waters.
So, does anyone fancy a slice of pie?
[Image via blogzamana]