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It’s about time. That’s the tag line of  Plants Vs. Zombies 2, and I am sure that the hordes of addicted players cannot agree... PVZ2: My Reunion With Plants Versus Zombies

It’s about time.

That’s the tag line of  Plants Vs. Zombies 2, and I am sure that the hordes of addicted players cannot agree more. It’s been four years since the first version was released for Windows and Mac, and while the tower defense game sure has a lot of replay value (be honest: how many times have you played the game – counting all the different platforms?), a sequel was definitely in order. Finally, we have it.


PVZ2 was first made available for iOS on the New Zealand app store a month or so ago. Of course, it was easy enough to create an account to get the game before the rest of the world did, but human nature being what it is, the majority of us just couldn’t be bothered. So, when, right before the weekend hit us, PVZ2 was made available worldwide, I am sure productivity levels spiraled downward as a result.

We’ve been reunited with Plants Versus Zombies.

The chances are that you’re already well into the game by now. How is your experience so far?

Personally, I am not overwhelmed so much so that I am turned into a blithering idiot blabbing about PVZ2 on all my social networks. Apparently, though, my initial permissions setting made it known to the world that I have been doing nothing but play the new game. 😉

In all seriousness, I have three things to say about PVZ2.

One, you don’t need to learn a lot of new things to get in the groove. Sure, there are new features – which is to be expected – but the learning curve is very easy.

Two, the graphics are just as good, even better, than the first one. I am only at the Ancient Egypt stage, but I have had nothing but a good visual experience so far. It’s definitely worth spending a good part of the weekend on!


Three, I have a feeling that I will be spending a little bit on the in-app purchases. Okay, this is a bone of contention among some people. There are those who absolutely love the game but hate the fact that they have to pay real money for plants and other perks, such as the extra seed slot. I understand – I really do. Who wants to part with hard-earned money for games?

Then again, think about the group of developers who worked on the game for eons. Pardon them if they want to actually get something in return?

Bottom line: Go download the game. It’s still playable even if you snub the in-app purchases. This is one reunion you won’t want to miss!