Kim Dotcom seems to have a way with making the news every so often, doesn’t he? Some may have forgotten about Megaupload by now, given the short memory/attention spans these days, but it didn’t take too long for the brains behind the service to make a comeback after being shut down. Enter MEGA, which stands for Mega-Encrypted-Global-Access.
Kim Dotcom had to dodge bullets left and right, but eventually had to shut down. His “new” pet project, MEGA, immediately caught the attention of Internet users from all over the world. MEGA beats Megaupload by miles, with attractive points such as 50 GB storage for the free plan and up to 2 TB, depending on how much you pay. He even recently launched a mobile app for the service! Of course, the service didn’t escape the attention of the authorities, and as seems to be the norm for Mister Dotcom, he needs to shake up his world once again.
The Register highlights the developments in Kim Dotcom’s professional life with the headline: “Kim Dotcom quits Mega to head new political party, fight extradition.”
Kim Dotcom himself has announced his plans via his Twitter account.
The case(s) against Dotcom and his supposed collaborators are nothing less than serious. While his tweet merely mentions a “copyright case”, there are also charges touching on money laundering and conspiracy, among other things. These are being denied by the accused, naturally, but I suppose that it is rather hard to run such an operation as MEGA plus deal with those legal issues – not to mention waiting to see how the extradition goes.
Still, you have to admire the perseverance of this guy. Megabox, which was already an idea years ago, is still going to happen so it seems. In case you’re not sure what Megabox is – think of it as a platform where musicians can sell their music directly to us, doing away with the huge record labels. Sound familiar?
[Image via Reuters]