The Consumer Electronics Show, or CES as most people who care about it like to call the event, is the biggest show in the niche. It is traditionally held in January, and as early as now, preparations for CES 2014 are already underway – not to mention the buzz online. One of the current hottest pieces of CES 2014-related news is that Microsoft is returning to the event.
Last year, the tech scene was talking about how Microsoft pulled out of CES. Everyone had his own opinion about the decision, of course, but the official statement was that their milestones were not in alignment with the timing of the event. Fair play, I suppose, but whoever made the decision has changed his mind – or has been overruled.
BBC broke the news last week that Microsoft is officially returning to CES Las Vegas, and they are going to do so with…well, not a bang, but rather, by booking more rooms than usual.
While supporters of the brand may be encouraged by this piece of news that’s circulating, Tom Warren of The Verge has decided to bring everyone back to Earth. In his post last week, he pointed out – quite correctly – that, one, Microsoft never really “left” CES; and two, that “Microsoft appears to be booking more meeting rooms this time, but it still won’t have show floor space or the lucrative opening keynote.”
No one likes raining on other people’s parade (scratch that, a slew of names suddenly entered my mind), but I think Tom Warren might just be right: it’s not that big of a comeback that some are making it out to be.
The upcoming CES is going to be held from January 7-10. For everything you need to know about the event – from keynote speakers to hotels to the program – visit the official web site.
[Image via The Review Room]