Going green is the “in” thing these days, and while some of us may have something against overwhelmingly popular trends, there is something to be said about forming habits that help save the earth. In this case, the more people who live a green lifestyle, the better, right? And, when it comes to green living, minimizing vehicle exhaust is a good way to contribute. The solution? Walk or ride a bicycle as much as you can.
Enter Faraday Bicycles.
It’s a new company who are all about bikes, but not exactly the good, old bikes we grew up with. Instead, they throw around words like “revolutionary” and “innovation” – and understandably so.
Faraday Bicycles may be cutting edge – they’re electric – but give you the option to go manual whenever you feel like sweating away some calories. If you’re in a hurry, then the electric motor will come in handy.
In terms of looks, one cannot deny that Faraday Bicycles have done a great job. Yes, they’re all about good design, and they are darned proud of it!
Tell me that doesn’t evoke admiration!
Touches of European inspiration are apparent, adding to the appeal of the bike. And seriously, one wouldn’t know this is an electric bike, right?
You can also customize the bike’s front rack: remove it, or swap with other accessories, which are coming soon.
How about charging? Not to worry, for this bike can be charged using any (standard) outlet. In an hour, your bike’s battery is fully charged!
That’s the Faraday Porteur, which is available for pre-order; shipping starts March this year. You’ll be set back by $3,500 (no one said they came cheap!), but the first batch is totally sold out. The company is on the ball, though, and their second production run is supposed to allow them to ship again around late summer 2014.
If you’re going to splurge on saving the earth, you can do a lot worse than spending on Faraday Bicycles. Pre-order here.
[Images via Faraday Bicycles]