ii Earphones Snap Strap Keep Earphones From Falling Out
MusicSoftware Reviews February 13, 2014 Brandon

In this day and age, a quality pair of earphones (or earbuds, headphones, whatever you want to call them) are essential to get through the day. If you use public transportation to get to work, then there’s a fair chance that you listen to music during your commutes. If you work out, there’s a good chance that you listen to music as you’re running on the treadmill. To make a long story short, you get the point – most all of us love to listen to music to get us through our days and our nights. But what we don’t all love is the hassle that inevitably comes with using earphones.
It doesn’t matter who you are – if you use in-ear earphones, you’ve experienced them falling out of your ear at one time or another – it’s a commonality we all share. Whether you’re working out at the gym or walking down the street, it doesn’t take much at all for those pesky earphones to fall out of your ear(s). Thankfully, someone decided to do something about it through Indiegogo via the ii Earphones Snap Strap.
Such A Simple Idea That It’s Profound
The thing is, this Snap Strap isn’t all that big of a breakthrough, and it seems like something like this would’ve been thought of years ago. It’s a pretty straightforward device – there’s a silicone-like strap that goes around the back of your neck that the wires from the earphones slide into, securing them in place. Once it’s around your neck, the strap will absorb most of the impact from any movements you make, thereby allowing your earphones to stay where they belong – in your ears.
The Snap Strap also makes it a whole lot easier to talk to someone while you’re listening to music. Instead of taking out the earphones and shoving them into a pocket somewhere, all you have to do is let them hang around your neck until you’re ready to use them again. And don’t worry, they won’t get tangled anymore, either.
The Snap Straps have already met their original crowd-funding goal of $1,000. As of right now, they’ve raised $31,631 and still have 25 days left in the campaign. And in case you’re wondering, yes – they do come in a multitude of colors.
[Image via CultOfMac]
SOURCE: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ii-earphones-snap-strap