Facebook users in India may now send and receive voice calls via the Facebook Messenger service. Facebook first introduced this feature for iOS users in the United States and Canada back in January 2013. The feature was extended to Android OS users in a few months later, in April of that year.
Following the roll out of this feature, the Facebook and Facebook Messenger mobile applications now offer a ‘Free Call’ option inside the chat window’s menu button on Android and ‘I’ button on the iPhone. Through this option, users can send free voice calls to other Facebook users on the social network. This feature is available on both iOS and Android model handsets. It works on 3G and also Wi-Fi networks. While users will not incur any call charges for the service, obviously, they will still be paying for the data that they use or they will use up any data allowance if they subscribe to a plan.
The feature works like this: On Android devices, an incoming call shows up like a regular phone call with the calling party’s full screen picture. On an iOS device, the call is denoted by a push notification. Calls can only be made between users who have the Facebook or Facebook Messenger application installed on their device. It is worth noting that the service is not available on the web version of Facebook Messenger.
Interestingly, the introduction of this feature is coming shortly after mobile messaging app WhatsApp, which was recently acquired by Facebook, have announced plans to introduce free voice calling as part of their service.
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[Image via businessinsider]