People have been looking for proof of the Loch Ness monster for years. Some are adamant that it exists, while others are just as adamant that it’s a figment of overactive imaginations. Whatever the truth is, a new photo that has surfaced around the world thanks to Apple Maps has started the Loch Ness monster talk going all over again. (If it ever stopped in the first place, that is).
While the image below comes from Apple Maps, there is apparently a very similar image courtesy of Google Map’s satellite imagery. It seems people really do believe there is finally “real” photographic evidence of “Nessie”, as some like to refer to the monster.

Apple’s version of the supposed Loch Ness Monster
What do you think of the above image? Before you make a hasty decision, take a look below at the strange object captured by Google’s satellites.

Google’s version of the supposed Loch Ness Monster
I don’t know about you, but neither one of these images “prove” anything to me. Many claim that the image from Apple Maps looks identical to a boat wake without the boat – could the boat have perhaps been photoshopped out of the picture? Who knows? As far as Google’s picture goes, maybe it’s just me, but I don’t see anything resembling a gigantic monster.
Whether these images prove anything or not, it’s always fun to think about whether or not creatures like this exist or not. Maybe next week someone will find Bigfoot again.
What do you think of the above images? Do you believe it’s proof of Nessie’s existence? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!