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At CES 2014 there was an overwhelmingly large number of new connected home gadgets and it seems that the trend is set to continue.... Our Pick Of The Latest Smart Home Gadgets

At CES 2014 there was an overwhelmingly large number of new connected home gadgets and it seems that the trend is set to continue. There is such  a wide variety of products either already available or that are up-and-coming, so we’ve picked out some of the best ones for you to have a look at. Some of them are perhaps more useful than others but are amusing nonetheless. If you have a favourite smart home gadget, why not share it with us in the comments.

Craft Brewer

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The Craft Brewer by Bkon claims to make the perfect cup of tea, so much so that the creators have labelled the popular brew as "tea 2.0". The device employs the use of a process called reverse atmospheric infusion. Loose tea leaves and water are placed into the brewing chamber, where a vacuum is created. This causes the tea leaves to be brought to the surface of the water, drawing out more flavour than the traditional method. The process is repeated over a period of 60-90 seconds and a total of more than 60 cups of tea can be made in one hour. The downside of this gadget? The price - it comes in at a whopping $13,000. Now I love a cup of tea but not that much!