When it comes to selfies, TechBeat has it covered – we’ve shown you the best and worst celebrity selfies, the best timed ones and how people will go to extreme lengths to capture that crazy selfie. But is there a secret to snapping your good side? With the numerous filters and effects that can be applied to any photo, surely it’s possible to make everyone look half decent?! There are people out there who appear to be selfie professionals – take Kim Kardashian for example – she must have photographed herself in every possible outfit (or lack of one), in every stance known to humankind and with or without makeup but even she has had her selfie fails.
An infographic from izzigadgets.com gives us some great advice on how you can capture your special moment, without looking utterly ridiculous. Personally, my favourite piece of advice is to keep it natural (did you hear that Kim?), oh and make sure there’s no dirty washing in the background, it’s never a good look!
[Image via Glamour]