There’s no worse day-to-day tech snag than needing to run an application, only to get the annoying popup that you need to update your system first. While it certainly beats a total malfunction, the need to update apps and drivers can be a real process slower when you need your tech the most.
One way to fight back against outdated software versions and missing updates is with a great tool called Driver Booster, from IOBit. Their latest version has now been released and is ready for download, and includes some key changes to the system monitoring functionality.
Driver Booster 4 works quietly in the background to make sure that all of your system components are up-to-date and running the most current versions. When needed, users can access a full list of their computers’ drivers in order to see which version they’re running and what needs to be updated. But far more than just an alert setup, Driver Booster 4 can access those needed updates from its database of over 400,000 drivers, created by more than 5,000 software developers. IOBit prides itself on providing drivers for rare software applications, especially in gaming, so there’s an excellent chance that list of drivers includes some for even the most obscure programs.
There’s a common danger associated with updating your drivers, though, and that’s compatibility. No one wants a system crash from a driver update that causes more problems than it fixes, but never fear. Driver Booster 4 first creates a system restore point so that any updates can be undone and brought back to the same point before the driver was newly installed. This is in addition to its troubleshooting mechanisms that help fix some of the more common errors associated with faulty drivers.
“Old drivers degrade the PC performance and disrupt the system stability. Especially for gamers, bad graphics, poor audio, slow browsing or even freezing & crashing make them annoyed and frustrated,” said Antonio Zhang, Marketing Director at IObit. “All they need are the new, secure and best compatible drivers. So we’re working hard to carefully filter the drivers. Therefore, all drivers & game components, even rare ones in our online database should have passed WHQL and our driver authorization process to make sure user’s computer can run safely at its top performance.”
One of the best features of the new version is that it can run automatically, continually searching for new drivers and updates that will make your system run smoother. If that level of control isn’t right for you, you can also manually search for any updated drivers and install them individually, then rely on that system restore if you don’t like the way things are running after installation. To test out Driver Booster 4, download the latest release from FileHippo by clicking here.