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Enjoy music, movies, TV shows and streaming, like never before. Yes, your PC or Mac has a built-in media player, but there are a... Top 10 Best Free Media Players

Enjoy music, movies, TV shows and streaming, like never before.

Yes, your PC or Mac has a built-in media player, but there are a whole lot of alternative free media players out there that will take your enjoyment to the next level.

The right media player helps you enjoy music, movies, and TV shows like never before. Whether you love streaming, downloading, or playing media from a USB, disc, or external hard drive, a great media player is a thing of joy.

The programs in our Top 10 Best Free Media Players list can handle a huge range of audio and video formats; help you organise your media library; tag movies and songs; integrate with online streaming services; add album art, and so much more!

If you’ve got a favourite free media player that’s not made it on our Top 10, we’d love to know. Just leave a comment below. Enjoy!


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Kodi is an award-winning media centre app for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and XBox. Possibly the ultimate hub for all your media, Kodi is easy to use, looks slick, and has a large and helpful community. Its Media Management function allows you to organise all your media to give you quick and immediate access – allowing you to view a vast library of audio, video and image formats. We really love Kodi’s slick, user friendly interface, that's intuitive, flexible, and easy to use. The interface is completely customisable through user-created or downloadable skins. Cool, eh? If you’re tech-minded, Kodi has a built-in Python interpreter that allows users and developers to write their own scripts and plugins that run inside Kodi using its own widgets and controls. It also has a built-in web server that allows it to be controlled remotely. What more could you wan