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Nothing prepares you for parenthood quite like being forced to act like a real parent. “Dummy” babies have been around for years in classrooms... RealCare Baby Gives Teens A Taste Of Parenting

Nothing prepares you for parenthood quite like being forced to act like a real parent. “Dummy” babies have been around for years in classrooms for use in parenting classes, but continuing advances in technology have enabled products like the RealCare Baby to be developed. The RealCare Baby, created by RealityWorks, is not your typical baby doll, and it may just get teens to think twice before they decide they’d like to have a baby all of their own. It will certainly make for an interesting assignment in any number of high school classes.

RealCare Baby Gives Teens A Taste Of Parenting

The Baby Doll That Acts Just Like A Real Baby

Forget your easy A assignment. For teens who get assigned to take care of a RealCare Baby, they will certainly have their work cut out for them. That is due to the fact that a RealCare Baby acts just like a real baby. How does it act just like the real thing? For starters, the baby will randomly cry (in the day and in the middle of the night), which requires the “parent” to react within 2 minutes of the first sound.

The baby is equipped with all kinds of sensors and also records the quality of parenting it receives. If it is picked up too rough, it will record it. If it wears the same clothes for too long, it will record it. If it takes forever to get its diaper changed – you guessed it, it records that too. Did I mention that the baby also has to be regularly fed? At the end of the assigned time period, administrators will be able to download and view all of the parenting information and will then be able to give a grade. If teens fail the assignment, they may want to think about getting some extra parenting classes before deciding to have kids of their own.

Once teens get a few sleepless nights under their belts, they may have second thoughts about having a baby while still in high school. And, once they realize parenting is not all fun and games, they can worry about more important things – like being kids.

The RealCare Baby seems like it would be a great investment for schools everywhere. It seems like it would also be an invaluable help to young babysitters and nannies around the globe.

[Image via RealityWorks]