If you’ve recently seen a slew of blog posts talking about how good of a program Internet Explorer is, the blog posts might be just a little too good to be true. It seems Microsoft is getting a little bit of bad PR lately, as it has come out that they hired an agency called SocialChorus to pay all kinds of bloggers to write positive blog posts about Internet Explorer (IE).
If you’re wondering how this practice found its way into the spotlight, it’s all because of a couple of people SocialChorus sent an email to asking them to write positive IE blogs. One of Twitter’s designers, Paul Stamatiou, received an email and of course later tweeted about it. Also, Techcrunch founder Michael Arrington received an email asking for him to write as well. He actually replied and asked them if they were kidding.
Due to at least those 2 sending out what SocialChorus was asking them to do, Microsoft has completely backed off from all of this, saying it’s not the way they work with bloggers. It’s caused some laughs from many folks on social media, though, who chose to connect with everyone else using the Twitter hashtag #IEBloggers.
What do you think of this news? Were you a fan of Internet Explorer before this came out, or could you not have been paid enough to write a good review or blog post about it?
Please let us know your thoughts regarding this story in the comments section below.
[Image via Mashable]
SOURCE: Techspot