Prynt: Polaroid Printing Smartphone Case
MobilePhoto and ImageSoftware Reviews November 21, 2014 Scott Lee
We all love our Smartphones don’t we? And with the amalgam of phone and camera we are now all budding shutterbugs. Whether your choice of weapon is iOS, Windows or Android, you always keep your favourite handset close by, just in case you need to snap that perfect picture.
The fun of retro things is that you can now incorporate them into modern tech. Take Prynt for example. Print is a smartphone case, which prints polaroids of your images (very retro) almost instantly, but it also has a unique twist.
Prynt was created by a French startup and it can turn digital images into Polaroids at the touch of a button. It doesn’t need an Internet connection or Bluetooth connection for that matter.
The guys over at Prynt wanted to take the device a step further than just a case with a retro feature. The Prynt will ship with the ability to use augmented reality in an app that will play videos.
Basically, you choose a photo from the camera roll or social media, wait half a minute for it to print out, then you point your phone’s camera (with the Prynt app open) at the photo you have just printed and this will reveal a hidden video clip. The idea is that you would then be able to swap the Prynt-printed photos with your friends and then they can also use the app to discover any hidden video messages.
Currently the existing prototype only supports 4-inch screens like the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C, but larger models are going to be released at a later date.
The final consumer version, when it is released, will be able to hold 10-30 sheets of paper and will be able to print images in approximately 30 seconds time for a single Polaroid. The device will be able to print approximately 30 photos before the battery would need charging again.
Prynt is planned to appear on Kickstarter early in 2015 and the retail cost would be in the region of £63 ($99) and will operate on both Android and iOS smartphones. Retro is cool. It just is. Anything that looks like it was designed in the last century, was and still is, cool. This smartphone case looks
[Image via tuxboard]